Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Learning lessons.. Bike riding and Money management

Adam and I had planned on getting the kids bigger bikes for their birthdays this year, but honestly, they needed bigger bikes before then.   So we went out and purchased the bikes while the kids were at school. We also got a few other little things.   A basket for the girl bike and some swords for Hunter to play with.   We came home and Adam set up a "sale".   The bike was priced at $5, the basket and swords for 25 cents and there was also a empty bowl for "poor children".  

When the kids came home we went to their piggy banks and gave them each $6 to spend at the "sale".  Hunter could not spend his money fast enough and purchased the bike and swords.  Tina wanted the basket first and then the bike.  She decided to give the poor children her remaining money.  Hunter wanted to keep his money (are you seeing a pattern here with his giving?)

Adam came up with the idea to teach the kids about spending and saving etc. etc.  We also didn't want to just "give" them the bikes this time, and knew they would never get the whole "its an early birthday present" concept.  They have a chore chart that they also get money for the chores and have been saving that money up so they can go "shopping" again.   So I guess it worked (for now)

After the money spending took place, daddy took the kids to the garage and built the bikes.   Then it was time to ride.  Hunter jumped right on and got used to the bigger bike really quickly, so we decided to take off the training wheels.   He was riding unassisted by attempt 2 and went pretty far by attempt 4 (see video).
He took a  fall and bumped his jewels after a few more attempts and decided he wanted his wheels back on for a bit.  
I tell you what... I am so glad Adam was here for this because there is NO WAY I would have attempted to teach the kids this.  I am such a momma hen and hated watching him wobble on that bike.   

Tina tried a few times as well, but she is not quite ready yet.  Soon enough though I'm sure.

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

Good for them! Hunter looks like he's about to fall though...his legs seem to be out a bit. He'll get it though...we haven't tried yet, but we're hoping to. Maybe we'll try Easter Sunday at my mom's. :)