Wednesday, February 4, 2009

He Shoots...He Scores!!

I always said I was not going to be one of those moms who put her kids into sports when they were not ready for it, or forced her kids to go to sports when they didnt want to, or they were too young.   I also said I was going to breastfeed,cloth diaper, and homeschool.   Ahh the best laid plans.

I signed Hunter and Tina  up for Basketball this season at the school.   Tina was all about it until....she hurt her finger and now she thinks basketball is "dumb".  She wants no part of it, and I'm not going to force her (See I can be taught!) 
Hunter on the other hand, really likes basketball even though he is the second to the smallest on the entire league.

In the above picture you can see his "team".  

Hunter is the one taking the shot, Nolan is the cute little guy waiting to catch the ball (smallest on the league ) and Joey is the tank #4 :)  Nolan is Hunters "bestest buddy".  

Joey is pretty much the only one who can reach the basket so they all have to pass to Joey when they play.   They had their first game last night and received  a good whooping..  20-6 I think it was.    Keep in mind the other team had two 1st graders and two other experienced players.  I think they did pretty well all things considered though and they had a good time running their wind sprints. 

Hunter slept like a rock!   I think I now LOVE basketball.

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

LOL! So, Tina quit for good? Well, you need to get her in the girly stuff anyway. LOL! Try Dance! :)